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Miquel Sabaté Solà (Piera, 1989) has a degree in Computer Science (FIB/UPC, 2014) and in Catalan Language and Literature (UOC, 2022), and holds a Master’s degree in Advanced Research in Humanistic Studies (URV, 2023). He works as a Senior Full-Stack Software Developer at SUSE, has contributed to numerous FOSS projects, and has been a mentor in the Google Summer of Code program inside of the openSUSE project.

His main topics of research in humanistic studies are the textual criticism of unpublished authors of the catalan Baroque period and their contextualization. In particular, he has been working on the study of the life and literary works of Joan Terré Sarriera (1601-1640), a poet from the first period of catalan Baroque.

He is also involved in politics, being a member of Vila de Capellades - CUP, and, during the municipal elections celebrated in may 2019, he was nominated as councilor at Capellades. When forming up the government of the Town Hall, he was nominated as councilor of Youth, Citizen Participation and Transparency; which he later renounced in march 2023. On the next elections, in 2023, he was reelected as a councilor, but remaining at the opposition this time. Moreover, in october 2020, he also took the position of councilor at the Consell Comarcal de l’Anoia from representatives that left office early, being also a spokesman there for the CUP party until july 2023 (end of the term).

You can reach me at mikisabate@gmail.com, check my CV, or contact me otherwise at: